Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pounding Papa

The boys had a great surprise today when Papa came after work to play and eat dinner with us. This was an extra special treat because there is rarely ever a time that the boys see Papa without seeing Nana, but today was reserved solely for Papa. The first pics are of the boys being merciful by allowing Papa to read books and play with puzzles. These times were brief and only used as timeouts for the real showdown.....WWMcNees Mania. I have to admit that at times I was scared for Papa's safety. Those two can be quite a pair.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Looking back at 2007

Since this blog is new we wanted to share some of the highlights of the past year with you. We had alot so there will be two separate slideshows. Thank you for your patience with this many photos and happy viewing.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Best Friends

Our family has been busy just hanging out. We have taken the boys a few different places that have indoor play areas because our apt. can get a bit tight on rainy days. They have enjoyed each other tremendously through this time off from school. Their relationship with each other is such an awesome blessing that seems to grow stronger every month. They will probably never be as close to anyone else their entire lives (except for their spouses) than they will each other. Today we had a special treat. A close friend of the boys from church, Shelby was able to come over. She has a new baby sister at her house, so she was ready for some big boy and big girl play time. I don't have to tell you how much I enjoyed having a girl around. The three of them reminded me of the three amigos. It was so sweet. Here is a picture of them having a "rainy day picnic" when we came home from church.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying a little time off from work. We have tried to keep the holidays slow and calm but good luck with two preschoolers. We managed to take a pic of them the ONE time they were calm. :)
God has blessed our family more than we can count and we are thankful for each other and all of you. We look forward to starting this blog in an attempt to appreciate the little things of life more and share the bigger things with all of you whom we love. So, as 2007 comes to an end please write or email us and let us know what you are thankful for. How has God blessed you and your family? When was the last time you caught yourself smiling....unsolicited? Have you had a good belly laugh in the last 24 hours? Tell us about it. We love you all and hope you continue to be safe and have fun with family and friends.